Accomplishing meaningful progress in four key goals.
The University of Oregon is at a point of remarkable opportunity with great staff, faculty, deans, and other leaders, and the collective opportunity to envision, and chart, our future course. Our students, our industries, our governments, and the larger society need the deep thinking, bold vision, and continual contributions of great universities like the UO.
Over the next ten years, the University of Oregon is committing itself to accomplish meaningful progress in four key goals, focusing our resources, talents, and attention on the foundations of the university—our students, our state, our people, and our scholarship. We will continue to try to be outstanding in everything we do. But we will have a special focus on scholarship and creative work that accelerates societal impact, elevates the human experience, and develops innovative models for a changing world.
Discovery and Impact News
Read about how University of Oregon students, researchers, faculty, and alumni are improving our community and world.