Motion US06/07-3 -- To Amend US03/04 10 to facilitate the collection of signatures empowering an Assembly meeting with full legislative authority.
Sponsored by: Frank Stahl, Emeritus Biology
For Senate Action: November 8, 2006
Moved to amend the legislation US03/04 10 – Enable the University Assembly to Convene with Full Legislative Authority, as follows:
CHANGE: (h) An annually updated list of the Voting Faculty with campus addresses shall be maintained and linked from the University Assembly Web site. The list shall be headed by the criteria for membership as specified by the charter and the list shall be updated annually, as early in the Fall Quarter as is feasible.
TO:(h) An annually updated list of the Voting Faculty with campus addresses shall be maintained and linked from the University Assembly Web site. The list shall be headed by the criteria for membership as specified by the charter and the list shall be updated annually, as early in the Fall Quarter as is feasible.
A printed Voting Faculty membership list with campus addresses, organized by departments, shall be made available to petitioners by the Secretary of the Faculty upon submission of a petition endorsed by 40 assembly members as specified in US03/04 10 (a).
FOOTNOTE: US03/04 10 (a) Prior to circulating a petition to convene the Assembly with full legislative power, Petitioners will submit the text of their petition, endorsed by at least 40 assembly members, to the Secretary of the Faculty who will forthwith give notification of the petition to members of the Assembly. The announcement shall include the text of the petition and item (b) of this motion.
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