Fun with Ancient History


  To download and assemble the puzzles below, right click on the image and select "Save Link As" and save to your desktop. Go to your desktop and double-click to open and assemble the puzzle.

Emperor Theodosius
(293 k )

Roman Medicine

(325 k)


(320 k)

Battle of the Milvian Bridge

Queen Zenobia
(300 k)

(286 k)

(287 k)

Roman Wedding
(280 k)

(333 k)

Roman Bath
(333 k)
Find a picture and create your own jigsaw puzzle!
Famous People From the Ancient World to Dress

Alexander the Great

Includes costumes for both court and conquest


Cleopatra VII

Costumes for both formal court audience and informal parties


The Roman Emperor Hadrian

and His Slave


King David:

The Shepherd and the Prince


Roman Emperor Commodus

(As portrayed by Joaquin Phoenix in the film "Gladiator")


Ancient Egypt

With costumes from the XVIII dynasty


Egyptian DressupWhimsical Egyptian DressUp

  "Virtual" dress up characters:

Equip the gladiator and see if

you can be victorious in the amphitheater!

This web page was created for your enjoyment by:
Last updated: November 10, 2008