Madame Tussaud's Celebrity Encounter
Twinkling star
Las Vegas, Nevada
Twinkling star Bon Jovi
Twinkling star
The Artist Formerly Known as Prince
Bruce Springsteen
Tina Turner
Twinkling star
Oprah Winfrey
Twinkling star Elton John
Twinkling star
Twinkling star
My music tastes run more towards movie soundtracks and soft rock so my exposure to Madonna has been limited to the theme from the movie "Evita" and my daughter's enthusiasm for "Material Girl" when she was a teenager. On the History Channel I heard that Bon Jovi has a number of guitar inventions to his credit as well as hit songs. The only Bruce Springsteen song I am familiar with is "Born In The USA" and I only remeber the refrain! I've probably listened to more songs by Elton John than anyone else on this page. (L. to R. Madonna, Bon Jovi, Bruce Springsteen, the artist formerly know as Prince, Tina Turner, Oprah Winfrey (no, I don't think she sings but she is a very talented lady), and Elton John.)
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This page last revised: 4/27/2000