The Holy Land Experience

Orlando, Florida
While in Orlando, Florida several years ago, I explored the, then new, Holy Land Experience, not as a particularly religious person but as someone interested in ancient history. Although the obvious message woven into the fabric of this "theme park" was an evangical one, as a student of history I still found my time spent there enjoyable and educational. One of the highlights of this visit was a fascinating lecture about the history of first century Jerusalem that accompanied an exhibit of a beautifully detailed scale model of the city circa A.D. 66. Another presentation I found quite interesting, although I understand was the center of a controversy between the theme park and the local Jewish community, was a reenactment of ancient Jewish sacrificial rituals. Other presentations throughout the day included the drama of the Garden Tomb and a contemporary concert featuring "Century", a very talented ensemble of music and drama performers. The Oasis Palms Cafe offered tasty Middle Eastern fare like fallavel and salads and I found a translation of the works of the Jewish historian Josephus and a nicely illustrated book about Petra in the well stocked gift shops.

I enjoyed the presence of costumed reenactors. In fact, I even tried to joke with one of the Roman soldiers, telling him that I heard real men don't wear pants (a statement I had seen displayed on a website for Roman reenactors at Fort Bragg). He looked at me without even cracking a smile and said, "No, they don't."

I understand the reproduction of one of the Qumran Dead Sea Scrolls Caves is now open as is the Scriptorium - a study center with a collection of ancient texts and manuscripts.

Official Holy Land Experience Website
Page designed and developed by Mary Harrsch

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All images copyright 2004 by Mary Harrsch

Permission granted for non-commercial educational use

Last updated: 5/22/2004